Terms & Privacy Policy

This privacy policy discloses how onpotatoes.ca collects, protects, uses and shares information gathered about you on www.onpotatoes.ca website ( hereafter referred to as the "Site"). Weather INnovations Incorporated owns and operates this website. We hope that this policy will help increase your confidence in our Site and enhance your experience on the Internet. As a general guideline, onpotatoes.ca is committed to protecting your privacy and to ensuring you have a secure online experience. You can navigate through most of the site without providing to us, any information about yourself. In some instances, however, we do need information to provide services that you may request. This privacy policy explains how we use and collect data about you in those situations.

Collection of Personal Information

onpotatoes.ca will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (personal information) or allows us to contact you. Generally, this information is requested when you are asked to register before joining a limited-access site, or when purchasing onpotatoes.ca services. Personal information collected by onpotatoes.ca is generally limited to e-mail address, phone number, country or location, but may include other information when needed to provide a service you have requested. When you use a onpotatoes.ca service, we may ask you to register electronically. When you do, we keep this registration information on file with any information you have already given us on previous visits to our Site. This is considered your personal information.

Use of Personal Information

We use your personal information for four primary purposes:

  • to make the site easier for you to use by not requiring you to enter your personal information more than once
  • to help you quickly find services or information on the Site
  • to help us create and deliver content most relevant to you
  • and act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Site, or the public.

onpotatoes.ca will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:

  • conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process served on onpotatoes.ca or the Site
  • protect and defend the rights or property of onpotatoes.ca and its Site,
  • act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Site, or the public.

Control of your Personal Information

When you register, or otherwise give us personal information, onpotatoes.ca will not share that information with third parties without your permission, other than for the limited exceptions listed above, nor will onpotatoes.ca use your information for any purpose other than those stated in the "Use of Personal Information" section. onpotatoes.ca may send out periodic e-mails informing you of technical service issues related to services you have requested. You will, of course, be able to choose to unsubscribe to these mailings.

Security of your Personal Information

onpotatoes.ca strictly protects the security of your personal information and will honour your choices for its intended use. We carefully protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration or destruction. Your personal information is never shared outside the company with any third parties without your permission, except under conditions explained above. Inside the company, data is stored in password-controlled servers with limited access. Your information may be stored and processed in Canada or any other country where onpotatoes.ca, its subsidiaries, affiliates or agents are located.


www.onpotatoes.ca has been designed to conform with the W3C web standard HTML 4.01 or greater version. This site uses server-site dynamic page creation, client-side image maps and javascript to provide interaction and portability to you, the user. This site is best viewed at a screen resolution of a minimum 850 pixel wide by 600 pixels high with a minimum of 16-bit color. If you are using an older version of Netscape Navigator (version 4.X and earlier) or Internet Explorer (version 6.0 and earlier) or non-compliant XHTML & CSS-1 browser, this site may not function properly. Some older web browsers cannot display client-side image maps, multi-part URL variables, javascript or style scripting or other browsing technology. We apologize if these features do not work in your computer or mobile browser.

If you are experiencing problems with this site, please check the version of your web browser and upgrade if necessary. Visit www.microsoft.com, www.netscape.com, www.opera.com, www.mozilla.org, www.neoplanet.com and download a newer version browser. Alternatively, you may contact us by using the link at the bottom of this page.


To ensure we are publishing content customers need and want, onpotatoes.ca collects aggregated site-visitation statistics using cookies. We do not track individuals' use of the site. When someone visits the site, a cookie is placed on the customer's machine (if the customer accepts cookies) or is read if the customer has visited the site previously. If you choose to not allow your browser to accept cookies from the Site, you will be able to view the text on the screens, however you will not experience a personalized visit nor will you be able to subscribe to the service offerings on the site.

Further Information

onpotatoes.ca welcomes your comments regarding this "Terms & Privacy Policy", please contact us.

Updated — 2025